Social events in Bellevue Park run the gamut from holiday celebrations to food swaps, yoga classes and war games.  Many of these events take place in the Bellevue Park Community Building. Any member of the Bellevue Park Association can hold a social event in the Community Building, provided that the event is open to all members of the Bellevue Park Association. See below for more information.

You can see what’s happening at the Community Building by checking the calendar, below. 

Set in the heart of Bellevue Park surrounded by mature trees, the Bellevue Park Community Building, which is located at 143 Briarcliff Road, is also available for rent by private parties of up to 70 people.  Renters can enjoy the use of a fully equipped kitchen, one large room, and one smaller room (as well as a bathroom). There are 6 to 7 off-street parking spaces at the community building as well as parking along nearby Oakwood Road. Renters are permitted to use the adjacent grounds for outdoor activities, provided that guests observe the building rules.

The rental fee for a member of the Bellevue Park Association in good standing is $150.00 per day plus a $100.00 refundable security deposit.  

Non-members of the Bellevue Park Association can also rent the Community Building, as long as the rental is sponsored by a member in good standing.  For non-members with a sponsor, the rental fee is $200.00 per day plus a refundable security deposit of $125.00.

The contact person for all building events and rentals is Dennis Kauffman, who can be contacted by e-mail at  Please note that separate checks are required for the rental fee and the security deposit. You can print out and complete the Rental Agreement, or fill out this form.

Bellevue Park Association policy on political and non-political events including public officials  

Any resident in good standing may rent, or be a sponsor for a rental of, the building for a political event for a specific candidate. This would include “meet and greet” events and speeches.

Any resident in good standing may sponsor a “candidates’ night,” if all candidates for an office are invited and reasonable efforts to obtain their presence have been made.  No rental fee would be charged.

Any resident in good standing may sponsor a “town hall” meeting with an incumbent public official.  No rental fee would be charged.  However, if such meeting occurs within 90 days prior to a contested election in which the official is a candidate, it will be deemed a political event and a rental fee will be charged.

2025 Social Events

Event Name Date and Location Contact
Soup Night Saturday, Feb. 1 - 6:00 PM
Community Building
Elizabeth Johnson, Jane Thompson
Easter Egg Hunt and Potluck Brunch Saturday, April 5: 11 AM
Community Building
Social Committee
Kentucky Derby Party Friday, May 3: 4 PM
Community Building
Social Committee
Sillybration Planning Happy Hour Friday, May 16: 6 PM
Community Building
Social Committee
Sillybration Friday, July 4: 7:30 AM - 8 PM
various locations
Social Committee
Oktoberfest Planning Meeting Saturday, September 13: 11 AM
Community Building
Social Committee
Oktoberfest Saturday, September 27: 1 PM
Community Building
Social Committee
Holiday Party Planning Thursday, November 6: 6 PM
Community Building
Social Committee
Tree Lighting Saturday, December 6: 2 PM
Community Building
Social Committee
Cookie Swap Tuesday, December 9: 6 PM
Community Building
Social Committee
Christmas Party Saturday, December 13: 6 PM
Community Building
Social Committee

Recurring Events

Note that times and days may change. Please contact the appropriate person for any changes.

Event Name Day and Time Where Contact Notes
Yoga Mondays 4:30 PM; Wednesdays 4:30 PM Community Building Mary Caufield $10 drop-in fee
Bridge Club First and Third Tuesdays 7 PM Community Building Kathy Bard 238-0004
War Gamers Mondays 7:30 PM Community Building Jack Krill
Re-fighting historical battles and campaigns using military and naval miniatures.
Morning Walks Daily 8 AM Bellevue Road - between ponds Carol Lopus Brisk hour-long walks with neighbors
Knitting Group 2nd and 4th Thursdays Community Building Nancy Graham

Food Swaps

All Food Swaps are held at the Community Building and run from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

Date Theme Notes
June 12 Full Bloom
Sept 11 Harvest
Dec 11 Cookie Exchange

Committee Meetings

Event Name Day and Time Where Notes
Bellevue Park Board Meeting Second Tuesday 7 PM Community Building
Safety & Security Committee Meeting First Monday - 7 PM Community Building Will regularly also have people from Harrisburg Police or city government in attendance.