Hurricane Debby
Hurricane Debby was devastating to Bellevue Park. In meeting with Harrisburg city officials, Bellevue Park has put together this information on how to move forward.
City works assistance:
City’s plan to remove trees in phases:
1st phase: removing tree debris from streets and residential properties. Began with border boundary and moving within the park to the inside. Once that is finished, they will go back out to the boundaries and move inside again picking up additional debris that has been taken to the curbs.
2nd phase: nonresidential areas, like the reservations.
City Works will continue the work until complete. There are other duties that are assigned as well and those have been put on hold this week, they do need to go back to those activities.
The city can remove trees that are damaging to your property, but they must get authorization to come onto the property from the owner. Send an email to Public Works Director Dave West,
Please review your contract with Tree services you hire to make sure they are following what they indicate in the contracts. Some residents indicated that companies were removing trees and placing them on curbs, but they were also being charged for the removal.
The city does not have the capacity to remove the trunks of trees.
Help with funding
There is a private agency that assists in helping owners get coverage for tree removals. We are lucky to have residents who work for companies who can help us.
If you need help with cleanup efforts:
Crisis Cleanup: 844-965-1386 volunteers from various local, regional, and statewide PAVOAD organizations, including community groups and faith-based communities. These volunteers can assist with muck out operations, tree removal and debris cleanup.
Volunteer organization: 570-617-4018
If you need help with insurance:
Brian Enterline, Harrisburg Emergency Coordinator
Brian Hudson 717-439-0654
Other Assistance
Information and Referral line: 211 or
City Councilwoman Jocelyn Rawls: 917-533-4997
Representative Madsen 717-772-2362
PAVOAD Communications Coordinator, Karl Jones: 570-617-4018 or
Sillybration 2023!
The full schedule for Sillybration 2023 is here:
Annual Meeting - 2023
The Bellevue Park Annual Meeting will be held on June 13, 2023 at 7:30 PM at the Bellevue Park Community Building (143 Briarcliff Rd). The meeting will also be held over Zoom. You can join with this URL:
All members of the community are invited and encouraged to come to hear what has happened in Bellevue Park over the last year and what is planned for the upcoming year.
Meeting minutes from last year’s meeting can be read here. Changes to the Bellevue Park Bylaws are mentioned in the prior News post. Also of interest is the upcoming Fiscal Year 2024 Budget
We hope to see everyone there!
Bylaws changes for the Annual Meeting 2023
The Bylaws Committee and the Board have proposed updating the Bylaws to make them easier to read and increase clarity. While all Articles have been modified in some way, there are very few big changes to how the bylaws work. Please make sure to review the proposed bylaws before the Annual Meeting. Below are links to the existing bylaws, the proposed bylaws, a bried summary of the proposed changes to the bylaws, and a document showing the changes in the traditional strikethrough and underline fashion.
Harrisburg Bureau of Police appearance at May Board meeting
Captain Terry Wealand (head, HBP Criminal Investigative Division) and Sergeant Josh Hammer (head, HBP Community Services Division) have committed to appear in-person at our May Board meeting (May 9) to answer questions from the Board and the Bellevue Park community. Capt. Wealand and Sgt. Hammer will be scheduled for 7pm sharp, immediately after gaveling the meeting to order.
Bylaws Committee Meeting tonight!
Reminder that the Constitution and Bylaws Committee will be holding a meeting to discuss the propsed bylaws changes for the 2023 Annual Meeting this Monday, April 17, at 7pm via Zoom, link is below.
Meeting ID: 891 3525 8137
Passcode: 579698
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Meeting ID: 891 3525 8137
Passcode: 579698
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Mosquito Control
Please find, below, a follow-up announcement from Chris Hooper, Dauphin County Conservation District, regarding a planned treatment by PA Department of Environmental Protection for adult mosquitos in Bellevue Park on Monday, 22 August, ~8:30pm.
Frequently Asked Questions about Mosquito Control
1. Should I wash down toys and other items in the yard at the time of the application?
While you can if you wish, it is not necessary to wash the items in your yard after the application. Due to our low application rates, any exposure from contact with these surfaces would be low and pose negligible risks.
2. Should I cover the pool before the application?
No, the residues in the pool would be low and would also be diluted by the water in the pool.
3. Should I close the windows and turn off my air conditioner?
The ULV vapor disperses readily and little movement of the material into open windows with screens would be expected. However, individuals with upper respiratory problems, such as asthma, may react to ULV applications; closing windows and turning off air conditioners is recommended to protect these individuals.
4. How long should I wait before I let my pet out?
When the chemical is applied at the labeled rates there are wide margins of safety for humans, dogs, cats and other mammals. Indoor pets may be "let-out" immediately following the application. Outdoor pets may be left outdoors.
5. How long should I wait before allowing the children to enter the yard?
The ULV vapor disperses very quickly after the application. However, individuals with respiratory problems, such as asthma, may react to ULV application. People with these health issues may want to wait an hour before resuming outdoor activities in treated areas.
To learn more about WNV and prevention, visit the CDC’s Web site at For more information about the county’s program, call the Conservation District at 717-921-8100.
County Commissioners Mike Pries, Chad Saylor, and George P. Hartwick, III urge citizens to take the following precautions to reduce the mosquito population and protect themselves:
Buy products with BTI (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis)--a naturally-occurring bacteria that kills mosquito larvae but is safe for people, pets and plants -- for stagnant pools of water in the lawn and garden.Remove any standing water in pots, containers, pool covers, tires, wheelbarrows, wading pools, roof gutters and other containers that hold water.Make sure screens fit tightly over doors and windows to keep mosquitoes out of homes. Consider wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants and socks when outdoors, particularly when mosquitoes are most active at dawn and dusk, or in areas known for having large numbers of mosquitoes. Reduce outdoor exposure at dawn and dusk during peak mosquito periods, usually April through October. Use insect repellents according to the manufacturer’s instructions. An effective repellent will contain DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Consult with a pediatrician or family physician if you have questions about the use of repellent on children, as repellent is not recommended for children under the age of two months.
West Nile Virus
Last week, The Dauphin County Mosquito-Borne Disease Control Program collected one mosquito sample testing positive for West Nile Virus in the Bellevue Park Neighborhood. The sample was collected at the Bellevue Park Community Building. Dauphin County will continue surveillance in the area and conduct control measures as deemed necessary.
For more information regarding West Nile Virus and Dauphin County's control efforts and what you can do to protect yourselves, please see
2022 Bellevue Park Association Annual Meeting
The 2022 Annual Meeting has been rescheduled to Wednesday, 22 June 2022, 7:30 PM. As it was last year, it will be held over Zoom. Please refer to the following attachments for further information and to the current Association Bylaws here.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Annual Meeting Proxy Statement
Bylaws Proposed Changes for 2022
Kent Hurst, President
Bellevue Park Association
Starting Soon! Pond Retrofit Project
The December Grapevine issue included an article on the Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit Project, describing project development, design elements, and stormwater management features. Capital Region Water (CRW) attended the February meeting of the BPA Board of Directors to provide an update on the project. CRW presented details on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan, design details for the Lower Pond outlet including natural Pennsylvania fieldstone, and the Landscape Plan for the Upper and Lower Ponds. The PowerPoint presentation is posted here.
Construction is scheduled to begin in late February or early March. (A full detailed schedule is forthcoming.) CRW contractors will first erect fencing around the project area and implement the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. This is followed by clearing of the pond banks and dredging of the ponds. The next step is construction of stormwater management components and pond outfall. Construction is scheduled to be completed by early September. Landscape planting will be completed in the fall.
Please respect the fencing boundaries during project completion. As in all construction projects, things will be a bit messy for a while until the landscaping plan is completed. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the project, you may contact Rebecca Laufer, CRW’s External Affairs Manager at, and cc: Pat Buckley, BPA Ad Hoc Ponds Committee Chair, at
Bellevue Park Reservation Tree Assessment
The Bellevue Park Association (BPA) contracted with Landstudies/Brandywine Urban Forest Consulting for the completion of a Tree Assessment (Level 1) for the Bellevue Park Reservations. Major tasks in the scope of the work included: identify hazardous trees, identify potential health treats to trees, identify all Tree of Heaven and other invasive trees, and identify management needs.
Major finding of the Tree Assessment included:
5 trees identified as hazards that should be removed ASAP. (Make that 4... the Ailanthus on Briarcliff Res. recently blew over)
11 trees identified as needing a Level 3 assessment to better determine safety. If funds are lacking for that, removal should be considered.
49 large invasive Ailanthus trees (Tree of Heaven). Removal recommended for all except 1 to serve as a "trap" tree for Spotted Lantern Fly.
Plant health care recommended for 38 trees. 17 of these are White Ash trees. Treatment is problematic, so removal is recommended for those in populated regions.
Pruning recommended for 23 trees.
More recommendations for Invasive Control/Reforestation
The study found that over 70% of Bellevue Park common area trees are now either Tree of Heaven or Norwood Maple, both invasive species which cause harm to our urban forest. Many of our native trees are declining and are unable to rejuvenate because of the invasive tree species' aggressive nature. The Norwood Maple has been problematic because it leafs out early and is last to defoliate, thereby shading out young native trees and fauna.
While BPA has removed hazardous trees on the Reservations over the years, it has never proactively managed our urban forest. Clearly, funds are not available to address the multitude of recommendations. But for the first time, we have data on which to base an informed plan of action. The BPA Grounds Committee will guide implementation efforts as fiscal resources allow. First steps will include removal of hazardous trees and a strategy for removing the invasive Tree of Heaven which serves as host to the damaging Spotted Lantern Fly.
The full report can be read here.
Sillybration is on!
The annual Bellevue Park July 4th tradition of Sillybration is on this year! For more information, see this flyer!
Bellevue Park Annual Meeting 2021
The Bellevue Park Annual Meeting will be held on June 8 at 7:00 PM via Zoom meeting. The connection details are:
Meeting ID: 611 526 0410
Passcode: 2147
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+13126266799,,6115260410#,,,,*2147# US (Chicago)
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 611 526 0410
Passcode: 2147
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