Starting Soon! Pond Retrofit Project

The December Grapevine issue included an article on the Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit Project, describing project development, design elements, and stormwater management features.  Capital Region Water (CRW) attended the February meeting of the BPA Board of Directors to provide an update on the project.  CRW presented details on the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan, design details for the Lower Pond outlet including natural Pennsylvania fieldstone, and the Landscape Plan for the Upper and Lower Ponds.  The PowerPoint presentation is posted here.   

Construction is scheduled to begin in late February or early March.  (A full detailed schedule is forthcoming.) CRW contractors will first erect fencing around the project area and implement the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan.  This is followed by clearing of the pond banks and dredging of the ponds.  The next step is construction of stormwater management components and pond outfall.  Construction is scheduled to be completed by early September.  Landscape planting will be completed in the fall.    

Please respect the fencing boundaries during project completion.  As in all construction projects, things will be a bit messy for a while until the landscaping plan is completed. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the project, you may contact Rebecca Laufer, CRW’s External Affairs Manager at, and cc:  Pat Buckley, BPA Ad Hoc Ponds Committee Chair, at