Bellevue Park Jeopardy

A: This is an American television game show in which contestants are presented with clues in the form of answers, and must phrase their responses in the form of questions.

Q: What is Jeopardy?

Please join your neighbors for a friendly game of virtual Jeopardy, with Pete Trufahnestock as host. The game will begin at 3:00 p.m. on March 14th, and players are invited log on from 2:30-3:00 to enjoy some social time beforehand. All who log in will be on a team-those with odd house numbers will be on Team 1 and those with even house numbers will be on Team 2. Please contact Christine Quimby at for details and the Zoom link.

Bellevue Park Ponds Retrofit Project


Bellevue Park Ponds Retrofit Project 

Community Zoom Meeting:  February 11 at 7:00 p.m. 



As reported in the September 2020 Grapevine, Capitol Region Water (CRW) presented a revised preliminary plan for the Bellevue Park Ponds Retrofit Project at the July meeting of the Ad Hoc Ponds Committee.  In response to community concerns, this plan recognized the historic significance of the park landscape and its character defining features. This proposal was favorably received by the Committee and neighborhood historic preservation professionals.   


In November, CRW submitted the revised preliminary plan to the PA State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to initiate formal consultation on the project.  The SHPO provided a favorable review of the redesigned project in December.   


Next steps:  Community Zoom Meeting - February 11 at 7:00 p.m. 

The Bellevue Park Association and CRW will host a Community Zoom Meeting on February 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.  CRW will review the plans to improve and restore the Bellevue Park Ponds.  Pond improvements are scheduled to begin in late 2021.  Green stormwater infrastructure that mimics natural systems will be used to enhance the local landscape while improving water quality and managing stormwater.  Bellevue Park residents are invited to ask questions and provide comments on the proposed plan.  The CRW presentation is provided as an attachment.   

 Revised Concept Presentation


Questions?  Contact Pat Buckley at 

Welcome to Bellevue Park Zoom Meeting

For any new residents to Bellevue Park, we’d like to officially welcome you to the neighborhood! Talk to members of our different committees to find out all the information to help you best become acquainted to living in the Park.

Road Paving in Bellevue Park

The Bellevue Park Board has learned that the Harrisburg Department of Public Works has agreed to repave some of the streets in Bellevue Park in the spring. We are still waiting on confirmation on which streets will be done and when it will happen exactly. We will keep you posted as new information is available.

- BPA Board

Holiday Decorations in Bellevue Park

The Bellevue Park Holiday Decorating Contest is on! If you would like to see the entrants to the contest and vote on whom you think is the best entry for each category, go to the Resident Forms menu and select Holiday Contest. Voting will be open until 12/31/2020. If you would like to be a late entrant, please contact Dennis Kauffman. Good luck to everyone and Happy Holidays!

Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit

The Bellevue Park Association held a meeting about the future of our Ponds on Tuesday night, June 2. The  discussion revolved around a commitment to accept some conditions from CRW about altering and maintaining our lower pond, at no cost to us. Pat Buckley and the majority of the Adhoc Ponds committee advocated for the CRW commitment and developing plan. Jack Krill and the minority of the Ponds committee presented some notable points against the commitment. Ultimately the Board voted in favor of the commitment. Pat opened the meeting with the attached remarks. 

Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit

The Bellevue Park Association Board of Directors will hold a special meeting via Zoom on June 2, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.  The purpose of the meeting is to meet with members of the Ad-hoc Ponds Committee and receive their recommendations on Capital Region Water’s (CRW) proposal for the Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit. 

The following documents are in support of the meeting discussion:

Contact Gerald Bierbaum, for further information.

Bellevue Ponds Retrofit

Capital Region Water (CRW) – with their design team from Jacobs Engineering and Landstudies – held a Bellevue Park Pond Retrofit  Stakeholder Meeting at the Community Building on Tuesday, Feb. 11  from 7 - 8:30 p.m.    Approximately 20 residents attended.  The team provided an update to the ongoing efforts to improve and enhance the Bellevue Park Ponds. The design team shared pond design concepts and intended improvements for storm water management and water quality, landscape and aesthetics, habitat and wildlife, and recreation and education opportunities. CRW sought feedback to understand community preferences on pond landscape/habitat/recreation options and other related design components.  CRW Plans to complete pond retrofit design plans and permitting work this year, and construction in 2021.  

Below are links to the Meeting Presentation and Summary.  Residents may view the meeting display boards showing the t​hree pond design options at the Community Building.  Contact Pat Buckley at to gain access to the building and view the design options.

Free Little Library

I am excited to announce on behalf of the Free Little Library Committee that our first Library is installed and ready to use! It is located at the top of the footpath that connects Bellevue and Chestnut and is filled with books!

Many people have contacted me and said they have books to donate. Please stop by and add a book to the library if there is room. If there is no room, then just save it for another time. Better yet, take a book for yourself and leave a book for someone else to read! Books in the library are for adults and children of all ages. I am very excited to see the movement of books in the library that has already occurred.

The library is monitored on a weekly basis to make sure it is filled with new books and to make sure it is in good working order.

I want to thank everyone on the committee that helped to make this vision a reality. I also want to thank anyone who made a monetary contribution to our committee.

We are hoping to add more Free Libraries to Bellevue Park as we can raise the funds to do so. If you are interested in donating money to our fund, please make checks payable to the Bellevue Park Association and write “Free Little Library” in the memo section. Checks can be sent to Christine Quimby, Bellevue Park Association Treasurer, or dropped off or sent to my house at 2217 Southfield Road.

If you have any questions or concerns about the library and how it works, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me

National Night Out

Dear Neighbors, the Neighborhood Preservation Committee and the Harrisburg City Police will be holding a cookout on July 24th in the parking lot beside the baseball field at 25th Street and Rudy Road. This will be the NPC’s National Night Out party. We’re asking all of you to come out and celebrate with us on the 24th, and we encourage all of you to celebrate National Night Out with the City of Harrisburg on August 6th.

Bellevue Park Annual Meeting

The Bellevue Park Annual Meeting will be held at the Community Building on June 10, 2019. An ice cream social will be directly before the meeting at 7:00 PM. The meeting will start at 7:30 PM. Please attend to hear what your neighbors have been doing in the neighborhood and vote on changes to our bylaws.

Hope to see everyone there!

Bellevue Park Association Annual Meeting

On Monday, June 11 at 7:00 PM, the Bellevue Park Association will be holding its annual meeting, which is open to all Bellevue Park residents. It will be held at the Bellevue Park Community Building at 143 Briarcliff Road. It is a chance to meet with neighbors and hear annual reports from the Association Board and all the subcommittees. It gives all residents the opportunity to hear what is being done in our neighborhood and ask questions to further enhance your understanding of what all we do to make the Park a great place to live. Also, prior to the meeting, we will be having ice cream, which is available to everyone - just bring your appetite!

There are two changes planned for the bylaws, which can be read here. Because these changes affect everyone, it is important to have all voices heard. Please attend, if possible. If you cannot attend, please fill out this proxy form, and give it to a neighbor who is attending. This will allow the other resident to vote on your behalf, or you can designate your vote on the form itself.

The town hall meeting is the simplest and most direct form of democracy, allowing you to voice your concerns and hear those of others. Thanks for doing your part!

New Playscape at the Oakwood Reservation

On April 28 at 11:30 AM, the new Oakwood Playscape enjoyed its Grand Opening in Bellevue Park. There was an egg hunt for the kids, and then play time started in earnest. There was a chili lunch afterwards with a chance for families to get to know one another. Thanks to Matt Lewis and all who helped make this a reality!