Free Little Library
I am excited to announce on behalf of the Free Little Library Committee that our first Library is installed and ready to use! It is located at the top of the footpath that connects Bellevue and Chestnut and is filled with books!
Many people have contacted me and said they have books to donate. Please stop by and add a book to the library if there is room. If there is no room, then just save it for another time. Better yet, take a book for yourself and leave a book for someone else to read! Books in the library are for adults and children of all ages. I am very excited to see the movement of books in the library that has already occurred.
The library is monitored on a weekly basis to make sure it is filled with new books and to make sure it is in good working order.
I want to thank everyone on the committee that helped to make this vision a reality. I also want to thank anyone who made a monetary contribution to our committee.
We are hoping to add more Free Libraries to Bellevue Park as we can raise the funds to do so. If you are interested in donating money to our fund, please make checks payable to the Bellevue Park Association and write “Free Little Library” in the memo section. Checks can be sent to Christine Quimby, Bellevue Park Association Treasurer, or dropped off or sent to my house at 2217 Southfield Road.
If you have any questions or concerns about the library and how it works, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me