Fall Clean Up Thank You!
A gigantic thank you to the 36 people who joined in to help with fall clean up on this beautiful, crisp, fall morning (October 19, 2014)!
They are:
Christine Quimby
Dan Lewis
Pat Buckley
Maureen Krauth
Jim Hillegan
Rachel Lewis
Matt Lewis
Lewis's dog, Baxter
Kathie Bard
Vince Fogarty
Tucker Susskind
Carl Marshall
Vickie Bucher
Mike Spangler
Nancy Graham
Kate Quimby
Kate Krusko
John Arnold
Jim Caufield
Carol Lopus
Joy Khohr
Walter Burnham
Dan Deibler
Paul Martz
Malea Haflett
Lilia Haflett
Dex Haflett
Mary Hearn
Joe Hearn
Bob Pennell
Barbara Pennell
Rich DiStanislao
Ann Kitlinski
Blair Kitlinski
Simon Putt
Scarlet Putt
Elizabeth Johnson
Ray Lewis's truck
Please let Barbara or Carol know if we missed anyone who should be on this list.
A grateful thank you,
The Grounds Committee