Election Results - 2016
Here are the results from voting at the Community Building, 9th Ward, 4th Precinct.
Eligible voters - 837
Votes cast - 546
Turnout - 65%
(Previous presidential election year turnouts: 2012 - 607; 2008 - 622; 2004 - 629.)
U.S. President:
Clinton - 416
Trump - 96
U.S. Senator:
McGinty - 393
Toomey - 125
U.S. Representative:
Perry - 138
Burkholder - 372
PA State Senator:
Teplitz - 422
DiSanto - 108
Attorney General:
Shapiro - 395
Rafferty - 118
State Treasurer:
Torsella - 391
Voit - 113
Auditor General:
Depasquale - 410
Brown - 99