Spring Clean Up

On Saturday morning in 2" of ground covering snow, cloudy skies, and cold temperatures, 21 early rising, bundled-up folks showed up at the Community Building for cups of hot coffee and Dunkin' Doughnuts, ready to sign up for spring cleaning jobs in our Park!  Armed with warm gloves, and lots of tools, we mulched around reservation trees and signs, took down a dead tree and cut up a large fallen limb, planted 7 winter berry plants, re-dug the Pentwater trench, and cleaned out some storm drains.  Today, Sunday, under bright sunshine, the work continued, 2 smaller groups cleaned up the paths, planted pansies at the Community Building, and picked up sticks.  

Thanks to Terry Bachmann for the donation of the pansies.

And a huge thank you to all who helped with these projects!!

Carol and Barbara