Stormwater in Bellevue Park - Mish Run Hydrologic Study
Capital Region Water (CRW) is conducting a study of Mish Run - the steam that flows through Bellevue Park. This is the same stream that feeds the ponds and then goes underground until it flows out to the Susquehanna River. CRW is seeking to identify potential Green Stormwater Infrastructure projects that will reduce stormwater flow in Bellevue Park and the City.
Capital Region Water (CRW) and CH2M (consulting engineers) conducted the second stakeholder meeting with residents of the Bellevue Park Association (BPA) on March 30, 2017 from 7-8:30 pm in the BPA Community Center. Approximately 17 residents attended. As a result of this meeting, the following Action Items will be pursued: 1) CRW to work towards a partnership agreement with the BPA board; 2) CH2M (with CRW input) to conduct cost/benefit analysis on a preferred set of alternatives based on the community input.
The meeting presentation is found here, and the meeting summary is found here.